Outro José e outra Maria

Para a Rita, porque sim.


Rita said...

(acto 1)

Yussef Mustacchi was born in Alexandria, Egypt, on May 3 1934. His parents, Nessim and Sarah, were Greek and came from the Island of Corfu. They had a bookshop in the cosmopolitan city where many communities lived together. At home, everyone spoke Italian because the aunt categorically refused to speak Greek. In the street, the children spoke Arabic. At school, young Joseph, as he was known, learned and spoke French. His parents were very attached to French culture and put him into a French school, along with his sisters. The young boy was very interested in French literature and song. He listened to Charles Trenet, Tino Rossi or Edith Piaf. As he played the piano, he amused himself by re-creating their songs .

Retirei daqui. Não sei se conheces o site. Fica a dica, tu que gostas tanto de música. :)

Rita said...

(acto 2)

Porque sim é a minha alcunha? ;) :)

Rita said...

Ontem azul claro, hoje branco.


O que querem dizer?

Temos um novo livro da esperança? :)

Anonymous said...

"Ah, la musique française..."

E os pequeno-burgueses pseudo-intelectuais voltam o disco e põem a tocar o lado B, porque é alternativo e sim, porque ainda escolhem o vinil.

Rita said...

Hoje quando cheguei era hora de almoço. Não te vi, mas notei que tinhas pintado a casa de cor-de- rosa.

Olha, podias presentear-nos com um dos teus belíssimos textos ou já não resta mais nada daquilo que não apagaste?


Esta é uma cor muito feminina, dizem... ;)
